Writing Updates

I wanted to give a brief update on what I’m working on, and what you can expect to see from me in the future.

The new book I’ve been working on (less and less I might add), LONELY ARE THE DEAD, has caused me a lot of problems recently. I know the story, have a pretty good idea of where it’s going and how it will end, but having problems on exactly how to tell it. When I first started, it was written in 3rd person. After several thousand words, I found an emotional disconnect which would kill the themes I wanted to get across, so I switched to first person. This seemed much better until I started working in a subplot which follows the main story from a different perspective. First person wouldn’t work for this area. I’ve played around with the idea of alternating between two first person narratives, or first person and third person. Neither of which I’m particularly happy with, so it’s kind of sitting there tapping its toes impatiently, waiting on me to make a decision.

I finished an 1100 word short story THE DAY LLOYD CAMPBELL’S MAMA CAME TO TOWN, and doing some final edits on it, before I send it out here: http://cussedness.wordpress.com/2013/07/19/call-for-submissions/. If accepted this will be out in 2014.

On the heels of that I was asked by a long time friend (nearly 30 years now) to submit a story for an anthology he and his partner are putting out. It’s all local writers (aside from me) in the Portland OR area, with a Lovecraft theme. I already have somewhat of an idea of what it will be about, and a title A HINT OF LILAC. I’m very happy to have a chance to do this because 1) I’m not really a short story writer. I’ve written my fair share, but novella length works seem to be what I do best, what I enjoy most. 2) It will give me a chance to introduce a character I’ve had in my head for awhile now, Private Eye Napoleon Santerre.  Not only was he character in LATD, but I had plans for him for my book after, THE COMMITMENT OF ERYLE HARRIGAN.  Being able to introduce him in a short story is going to be a plus.

What’s THE COMMITMENT OF ERYLE HARRIGAN about you ask? Originally it was going to be my Lovecraft homage. Well, an homage in my own twisted way.  The one sentence summary is young poet goes crazy, is committed to an insane asylum and disappears 40 years later, only to reappear in 2013.  That’s really all I want to say.  This is going to be a bit of a historical novel, bit of Lovecraft, and some wibbly wobbly timey wimey things.  I think I may head right into that after I finish writing A HINT OF LILAC.

Despite the fairly simplistic plot of LONELY ARE THE DEAD, it may be a bit too much for me to write, at this point and maybe working on something else, will allow me to get the right tools to finish it off.

Look for THE COMMITMENT OF ERYLE HARRIGAN to be out by Christmas time if all goes well.

19 thoughts on “Writing Updates

      1. Have no respect for people’s pen names. I don’t go lifting your co-publisher’s pen names to be an asshole but when I am writing my testimony I address one of them by their pen name.

      2. No Nick, you’re an asshole enough just by being you. Look at it this way, more people will see Campbell’s name in what I do, than yours. I should actually charge you for the publicity.

      1. How many times do you have to be told YOU CAN’T COPYRIGHT A NAME. How many song titles have you used for titles to your shitty stories?

      2. Don’t be sad Nicky! Lloyd will get much more exposure in Scott’s writing than he ever would in yours. Scott is doing you a favor

  1. Scott, i’m really looking forward to your Lloyd Campbelll story. Your last 2 short stories were great! Nick is just jealous b/c people actually read your stories and just don’t skim them to laugh at them. I’m going to wrap up a few of my stories for the anthology this week. Hopefully, they will make it in there. A lot of talented writers are submitting. It will be a great anthology not something that peeple would light on fire.

      1. I should clarify I am submitting to the fossil anthology. Congrats on the Lovecraftian anthology invite!

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